Petros . Galeria Chumbo



The starting point for this work is the concept of geological fault, with a closer approach to some of the rocks typically found in the earth’s crust .

The objective is to oppose the large-scale vision of a geological fault – with a naturalistic graphic approach – to the vision of approximation of the elements which compose it. Therefore, the rocks are drawn as geological fragments in the naturalistic approach of a field notebook, with the aim to explore and understand their construction of shapes and colors.

This exploration involves getting to know the material under study as part of the process of building a scientific illustration, whose aim is to know the shapes, proportions, colors, with both drawing and written annotations, which provide extra information about the models.

This project was shown at chumbo between 24th November to 3rd December 2021.

Field notebook containing scientific illustrations and research annotations.
YEAR: 2021
MEDIA: Drawing on paper
SIZE: 21,7x16cm

Photos: chumboproductions / Chiara Missaggia